Committed to the belief that to be creative, is to look beyond your own discipline. His passion for design & storytelling has led him to study at the Dyson School of Design Engineering and Royal College of Art, creating a unique personal perspective influenced by tech, design and innovation.
Over the years, he has had the fortune to be able to design across disciplines, from speculative design of cities, to designing a customer strategy for one of UK’s oldest banks, creating an active community platform for a London borough during COVID-19, and a national digital identity app.
He has cultivated skills that cross design, technology, strategy, and innovation combined with a passion for solving complex societal challenges has led to working with diverse organisations including UK’s Cabinet Office (GDS), The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Wellcome Trust, Royal College of Art Executive Education, London Design Museum, Deloitte Digital, Studio Tomás Saraceno, UNStudio, Dutch Design Week, and the City of Amsterdam.
Industrial Design Fellow of the Royal Commission of 1851, and RSA Fellow.
Certifications —
MEng, MA, Cert. Filmmaking (LFA), Cert. Creative Writing (UAL).